where did that coach that we loved go? the coach that smiled in the end no matter how silly our mistakes were . the coach who pretty patiently corrected us, as compared to now. the one that complimented more and did not contradict herself. the one that we weren't afraid to speak up to and to ask more and to explain why exactly we make those moves on court. sometimes its instinctive and we know, its wrong. but sometimes we really don't understand and i don't see how scoldings will drill it into our heads. yes its frustrating when you explain, time and again, and people just don't know what on earth you want them to do. why not try explaining it in a different way? we know you speak english. try rephrasing your sentences maybe? i know time is precious, during this time. i know the next few matches will definitely be a hard fight. i know we can't afford to make silly mistakes anymore. i know it'll cost us our placings. but i don't see the point if everybody is unhappy about this. where has that passion for the game gone for us?
i forgot what we were fighting for..